
Showing posts from August, 2010


Humans have the ability to project themselves forward or backward in time. This is an illusion, but because of the concept of linear time, we need to use this terminology. Linear time is a construct of the mind and only that. Everything is contained in the NOW and things we assume will happen in the future are happening now and have already occurred, all in the same moment, which oddly enough, doesn’t exist anyway. Particles (matter) and events cannot be restricted to a point in space, or time for that matter. They appear in a wave….of potentiality. Due to the fact that we have inactive portions of the human brain and DNA sequencing, we are unable to understand this. Example: If you experience a painful breakup, simply project yourself (your thoughts, feelings, energy) back to the moment before you met this person. There was a point when that person did not exist in your field of vision. That feeling of peace and lightness can easily be regained, but we have to trick the mind to do it.